Is it worth it to do Nutrient Lab Testing?


Is it worth it to do Nutrient Lab Testing? John is a former vegetarian, who recently started eating a more vegetable-rich “Paleo” diet. He’s feeling great, and at his ideal weight, but does have some nagging digestive issues like heartburn and occasional diarrhea, that doesn’t seem to be going away. These issues were present when he didn’t eat meat. He takes over-the-counter supplements to support his body and isn’t quite sure if they really help all that much. He was perusing the internet, and “Dr. Google” suggested he could have leaky gut, malabsorption problems, and many other possibilities. He saw a gastroenterologist about this, who diagnosed him with IBS and suggested he eat more fiber. He was not pleased with this recommendation, especially because he eats plenty of fiber! What’s his next step?

Although “Dr. Google” is the bane of many practitioners’ practices, it is also a source of information that can be beneficial. John did the right thing in seeing a gastroenterologist, but unfortunately, many specialists prefer to treat diseases, not symptoms, and if there isn’t a good pill or procedure for this, they aren’t really sure what to do. It isn’t the fault of the doctors for not knowing about nutrition or supplements, but luckily there are people in […]